Using Sphinx to add full-text search to Clickhouse

At the moment of writing (May 2023), Clickhouse doesn’t support full-text search indexes. Although it has ngram-based and token-based data skipping indexes, you might need an external solution for full-featured text search, like Sphinx.

Overview of a solution

So, Sphinx enables us to do full-text searches. It works by searching through previously created indexes based on data from Clickhouse:

Clickhouse and Sphinx usage design

So we feed text data from Clickhouse to Sphinx and it’ll index that text data for further (efficient) search.

Typically, when we search Sphinx, it returns IDs of matched documents. We can then resolve those IDs to original documents in Clickhouse:

Clickhouse and Sphinx usage design

To use Sphinx with Clickhouse, we have to configure an index and run an indexing process to build a full-text index. When it’s done, we can use Sphinx to search text data from Clickhouse.

Configuring Sphinx index

Sphinx stores text data in documents (just like table rows), and each document should have a unique ID, which Sphinx requires to be a 64-bit integer. Since Clickhouse doesn’t (yet?) support autoincrement fields, we should generate a unique ID (which is an integer) for each row of our table that we want to index. ClickHouse has rowNumberInAllBlocks() function to add a row number to the result of the query:

SELECT rowNumberInAllBlocks(), col1, col2 FROM some_table

We won’t actually use that ID later, so we only need it to surpass Sphinx requirements.

UUID to identify Clickhouse table rows

Sphinx will only store the text index, not the text itself (unless we ask it to). That’s why we need a way to identify documents in Sphinx and corresponding records in Clickhouse. In other words, we need a unique identifier for each row in our Clickhouse table. That’s exactly, what standard Sphinx document ID is supposed to be used for, but we can’t use it since we don’t have a way to generate a unique integer value for each table record in Clickhouse.

Luckily, Clickhouse has UUID type and can generate unique UUIDs using generateUUIDv4(). We can use this function as default expression for uuid column to have Clickhouse automatically generate UUIDs for each row of our table:

CREATE TABLE some_table
    `col` String,
    `uuid` UUID DEFAULT generateUUIDv4()
ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY ()

Now we can ask Sphinx to save the uuid column value during indexing and return it when searching.

Sphinx index configuration

We can use tsvpipe as a way to feed text data from Clickhouse to Sphinx. Let’s configure our index (usually appended to the /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf file):

source txt_src
  type = tsvpipe
  tsvpipe_command = clickhouse-client -q "SELECT rowNumberInAllBlocks() + 1, col, uuid FROM some_table FORMAT TSV"
  tsvpipe_field = col
  tsvpipe_attr_string = uuid

index txt
  source = txt_src
  path = /var/indexes/txt

Building and searching an index

Now we can ask Sphinx to index data:

indexer txt --rotate

At this point, we’re able to query Sphinx:

mysql -P 9306 -h -e "select uuid from txt where match('test')"
| uuid                                 |
| 83c05036-0490-4ee4-b7aa-9554deaa564d |
| cfb234d9-18da-496f-adc4-354aaf54c747 |

Resolving documents

After we got uuid values from Sphinx, we can look them up in Clickhouse:

SELECT col FROM some_table WHERE uuid IN ('83c05036-0490-4ee4-b7aa-9554deaa564d', ...)
│ test text 1901-01-01 words  119602 test - test, 22,33 │

It’s important to mention, that Clickhouse uuid lookup performance will dramatically depend on a table sorting key.

Further reading

Published 2 years ago in #data about #clickhouse and #sphinx by Denys Golotiuk

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